Do you have a perfect smile? Get yourself in front of a mirror and have a look.
1. The ideal relationship between the upper and lower front teeth should provide some vertical overlapping. Ideally, the upper front teeth should bite approximately 2 millimeters in front of the lower front teeth. And…the upper and lower front teeth should be angled slightly forward, toward the lips, thereby providing adequate support for the lips.
2. The center line between the upper front teeth should line up with the center line between the lower front teeth, and both lines should coincide with the midline of the face.
3. When smiling, the upper back teeth should fill the width of the smile from the corner of the mouth to the corner of the mouth. A broad, healthy smile evenly fills the entire area of the smile, minimizing the dark triangles at the corners of the mouth and provides proper support for lips and cheeks.
4. Upon smiling the upper lips should elevate approximately to the gumline. The lips usually elevates more when we are younger and less as we age.
5. When smiling the bottom edge of the upper front teeth should follow a curve that mirrors the curvature of the lower lip.
If you think your smile might be less than perfect, Dr. Beim can help. Your perfect smile is just a phone call away.