Thursday, June 22, 2017

Your Smile Can Be Perfect For You

There are many factors that go into creating the perfect smile. From proper alignment of the teeth to correct jaw position and facial structure, each play a role in the appearance of your smile.

Do you have a perfect smile? Get yourself in front of a mirror and have a look.

1. The ideal relationship between the upper and lower front teeth should provide some vertical overlapping. Ideally, the upper front teeth should bite approximately 2 millimeters in front of the lower front teeth. And…the upper and lower front teeth should be angled slightly forward, toward the lips, thereby providing adequate support for the lips.

2. The center line between the upper front teeth should line up with the center line between the lower front teeth, and both lines should coincide with the midline of the face.

3. When smiling, the upper back teeth should fill the width of the smile from the corner of the mouth to the corner of the mouth. A broad, healthy smile evenly fills the entire area of the smile, minimizing the dark triangles at the corners of the mouth and provides proper support for lips and cheeks.

4. Upon smiling the upper lips should elevate approximately to the gumline. The lips usually elevates more when we are younger and less as we age.

5. When smiling the bottom edge of the upper front teeth should follow a curve that mirrors the curvature of the lower lip.

If you think your smile might be less than perfect, Dr. Beim can help. Your perfect smile is just a phone call away.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

You're As Young As Your Smile Looks

Trying to find ways to preserve your youthfulness as you age?  How about starting with your smile.

Your teeth are probably the only thing on your face that doesn’t get wrinkles, but your teeth certainly do show signs of aging. So if you want to look younger and healthier, your teeth are a great place to start! Although our teeth are extremely resilient, over the years all of the chewing and the overall natural aging process can take a toll on our smile. Here are three ways to make your smile look as youthful as you feel.

Brighten Up
Beim orthoTeeth naturally darken as we age. One reason is that your teeth absorb color from food and drinks. Even if you take fantastic care of your teeth, they will eventually yellow over time. Whitening your teeth with custom whitening trays is the best way to achieve a deep and thorough color change that can take years off your appearance. Our office provides Zoom Whitening, ask us about our services. 

Dr. Beim
Straighten Up
Even if you start out with perfectly straight teeth, something called mesial drift will cause them to shift over time. Crowded teeth are an instant giveaway of age and straightening your teeth can often take 10 to 15 years off your appearance. Crowded teeth also increase the risk of tooth decay, premature tooth loss, and gum recession, all of which guarantee looking old.

Keep it Up
Lake mary bracesMaintaining your oral health is important to making sure your smile is healthy and vibrant. You can do this by keeping up with your oral hygiene, this includes: brushing, flossing, eating foods that do not harm your teeth and visiting your dentist every 6 months.

A large percentage of our patients are adults, and they agree that it’s never too late to improve your greatest asset – your smile. During the initial examination, we will be able to determine the best possible treatment for your individual needs. At this time, we can outline the treatment plan, time of treatment expected and the approximate cost.

Contact us today and find out how we can help improve your smile.